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Ani Reads

Book reviews

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Hi everyone! After using Wix for 4 months now, I have decided to switch to Wordpress. This has a few consequences: 1 - My domain...

Innocent Queen, by R.J. Vickers

Innocent Queen is the sequel of Forbidden Queen, by R.J. Vickers. I'm grateful to be given an e-arc of this book. This has not affected...

Review: Fortuna Sworn, by K.J. Sutton

Fortuna Sworn started with an interesting order of events in the first two chapters. Instead of the common ways action -> world building...

Review: Dragon Rising, by M. Lynn

I'm so glad I was able to read an ARC of Dragon Rising! It's a Mulan inspired story, but with a huge twist, because being a woman...

The Cake Flavoured Book Tag

I was tagged on twitter by Krista from The Bookish Hedgemom in the Cake Flavoured Book Tag! When I started this blog a month ago, I...

About me

After posting several book reviews over the past month, I finally realized that I should have written an About Me post. Well, I guess...

Review: Moonburner, by Claire Luana

The first book of the Moonburner Cycle follows 16-year-old Kai, whom has been hiding her moonburner powers her whole life by disguising...

Review: The Hunt, by Frost Kay

I really should stop reading books during my exams, I just keep procrastinating. Even though Frost Kay potentially ruined my grades by...

Review: Finale, by Stephanie Garber

SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T READ CARAVAL OR LEGENDARY!!!! I started Finale with high expectations. Caraval and Legendary managed to take me...

Review: Kindling Heir, by E.M. Young

First of all, I want to thank Erin Young for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book. There are four territories in the book:...

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